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We have delivered an Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance report for PRATAP. ESG reports give an overview of the sustainability measures that have been put in place within a corporation, considering social and environmental factors. The report also offers areas within the corporation that can be improved to develop its ESG. The ESG analysis of the company included short-term and long-term targets for the company to incorporate within its business model and it was delivered in a clear presentation. 

PRATAP felt that the report clearly offered suitable advice.


ESG Report for PRATAP Partnership

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Our Projects

We are currently in the process of undertaking projects, see below for current case studies of our work and awards we have won! 


Habitat Survey for West Leeds Activity Centre

Our team have assisted the WLAC in carrying out habitat and tree identification on their 17-acre site. From September to November 2023 our team gathered data as part of a Phase 1 habitat survey, and used QGIS to present findings in map form. Recommendations were then provided on how to re-wild this area as well as improving understanding of the species and habitats on their site to facilitate future monitoring and conservation of biodiversity.

WLAC will continue working with LSSC to help implement these recommendations. We are looking forward to progressing further in partnership with them.


ISO1400 Gap Analysis for Revive!

After meeting the lead of Revive! (An auto repairs company wanting to find ways to become more sustainable and get an ISO1400) and visiting the headquarters we’ve made a complete checklist of what the company is already doing sustainably, how they can improve these techniques and what then can now implement both in the short term and for ongoing long term solutions. We’ve built a 10 year plan and are excited to see how the company progresses.


Short Term and Long Term Sustainability Recommendations 

We hosted a free learning workshop for a group of 30 students in collaboration with Norlo, a sustainable hat company. Norlo is ran by a full time teacher who was looking for free recommendations on issues such as carbon footprint, life cycle and options for sustainable wool. From this, a group of students produced recommendations in the form of a presentation, which were sent to the client. 

Our Awards


Won Yorkshire and Humber Climate Champions 2024 for

Contribution to Skills and Jobs


Nominated at the Riley Awards for Community Impact 

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"Provided excellent communication throughout and the standard of work was brilliant"


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